Maternity Care Plan


Maternity Care Plan


Sponsor an expectant mother by covering her costs for antenatal, delivery and postnatal care ($120 AUD). Maternity Care Plan sponsorship includes 12 months of care, and an emergency trip to the hospital if needed. See our Maternity Services page for full details of the Maternity Care Plan or download the PDF.

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The Maternity Care Plan includes:

  1. Two return trips to a regional hospital for antepartum care.

  2. One return trip for the woman to deliver her baby safely at the hospital.

  3. A baby bundle that includes:

  • Clothes for the baby

  • Washable nappies

  • Bunny rugs

  • Post partum washable sanitary pads

  • Food money to cover the hospital stay

  • A towel and washer.

The Loanialu Clinic with your sponsorship aims to help pregnant women by providing better access to health care, reducing the number of Maternal and Infant deaths. 
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