Get Involved, become a volunteer!
Are you planning on visiting Tanna? We'd love to see you at the clinic!
As a Non Profit organisation, our clinic relies on the help of dedicated individuals who regularly visit and give their time. If you'd like to volunteer and support the clinic, please contact us.
If you're a healthcare professional (Nurse, Midwife, Doctor, Dentist, Optometrist, Dietician etc) and are willing to give some of your time serving the community, please get in touch.
What our Volunteers Say
Our volunteers are the lifeblood of The Tafea Health Care Association.
They come and support the work of our clinic nurse.
Here they share their stories of life on Tanna while volunteering with us.
We need healthcare volunteers...
Are you ready for a remote Pacific island experience, where what you do each day makes a difference and transforms lives?
Contact the Director of The Tafea Health Care Association to register your interest for a voluntary placement.
We need construction volunteers...
We have a high demand for volunteers with building and services skills of every kind. So if you can lend a hand, short or long term to assist with clinic maintenance or our new clinic construction please get in touch with us.
Due to the prevailing volcano dominated weather in this area, specialist methods have been adopted in construction of the nearby school buildings. These include rammed earth footings with sandbags positioned in place for walls between timber support beams and posts.
We are at present, in the process of drawing up a “sustainable” building model which can withstand the rigorous environmental challenges we face from volcanic ash, earthquakes and the corrosion of building materials. Due to the area's remoteness and terrain, there are also the challenges of suitable road access and thus infrastructure for utilities such as clean water, sewerage and electricity. Recently the nearby villages have been given access to a clean water supply. Your support as a construction volunteer helps lead and assist teams of local labour.
Major building work on this new clinic and support buildings will commence when funds become available. Builders, plumbers, electrical trades and handymen are vital to the ongoing work in the area. Please contact us if you are able to help. Why not consider donating to assist construction, and be part of the solution?
Other ways you can help: Sponsoring Care Packages
Care packages include general hygiene products such as toothbrush, toothpaste, soap, towel, facewasher, underwear, bandaids and antiseptic. Larger packages of blankets, towels and sheets need to be collected, together with blood pressure monitors, stethoscopes, sterilisation and cleaning items.
We would welcome donations of these products directly, or by donating the funds to purchase these care packages. Please contact us to discuss product donation. We appreciate your generosity.