Women’s Health

Presently, our clinic helps and supports pregnant women where we can. Often this means financially assisting these women to attend antenatal care and delivery at Lenakel Hospital. Please help us and donate to assist these women deliver their babies safely.
An estimation of costs per person for one round trip with general transport is $6AUD but this can skyrocket to $140AUD per trip for emergencies.

Our immediate response is to seek donations for these women to provide funding enabling them to attend the clinic or hospital on a regular basis utilising local transport and when required, emergency vehicles.

Visit the Donate page and select the giving option "Emergency Patient Transport to Hospital" when donating.

The Clinic Nurse Tess is concerned for the wellbeing of local expectant mothers reluctant to attend maternity clinics due to the rough terrain and lack of funds for transport.

Maternity Care Plan

Sponsor an expectant mother by covering her costs for antenatal, delivery and postnatal care ($120 AUD). Maternity Care Plan sponsorship includes 12 months of care, and an emergency trip to the hospital if needed. See our Maternity Services page for full details of the Maternity Care Plan or download the PDF.

Why not consider an annual Maternity Care Plan sponsorship to guarantee the continued care of new antenatal patients? 

Access to adequate and skilled healthcare before and after giving birth helps saves the lives of women and babies.
The solution to preventing unnecessary deaths in pregnancy is to offer care during their entire pregnancy, in giving birth and follow up. The Maternity Care Plan includes:

  1. Two return trips to a regional hospital for antepartum care.

  2. One return trip for the woman to deliver her baby safely at the hospital.

  3. A baby bundle that includes:

  • Clothes for the baby

  • Washable nappies

  • Bunny rugs

  • Post partum washable sanitary pads

  • Food money to cover the hospital stay

  • A towel and washer.

The Tafea Health Care Association Inc. with your sponsorship aims to help pregnant women by providing better access to health care, reducing the number of Maternal and Infant deaths. 
Download the PDF brochure

Your Sponsorship donation will:

1. Decrease the Maternal and Child Mortality rates in this isolated and remote region.
2. Increase the ability for these women to be attended by trained and skilled attendants/midwives.

Considering sponsorship but have questions?
Email Contact@LoanialuClinic.com or Download the PDF brochure